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Our research institute visited Shenzhen Research Institut

 2021-04-11 16:51

On November 17, Zhan long, President of the Institute of Humanities and social sciences of our university, Chen Shiqiang, deputy director of the collaborative innovation center jointly built by the Ministry of Yellow River civilization, min Xiangpeng and Chen Huiliang of the Institute of higher humanities and social sciences of our university and their party went to Shenzhen Research Institute for investigation.

Niu Limin, President of the Institute, extended a warm welcome to Zhanlong and his party, and introduced in detail the positioning objectives, key tasks, work progress and development plan of the Institute. At present, centering on the construction goal of "double first class", the research institute has built five scientific research platforms for the development strategy of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and Shenzhen leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the related work is steadily advancing according to the requirements of the construction plan. It is hoped that the humanities and Social Sciences Research Institute will make full use of the platform of Shenzhen Research Institute, give full play to the advantages of Humanities and social sciences of our university, and organically combine with the needs of cultural development in Shenzhen, so as to achieve a higher level of development. Vice presidents Zhou Dapeng and Wang Zhencun accompanied the investigation.

Zhanlong spoke highly of the achievements of the construction of Shenzhen Research Institute, saying that our university has a profound foundation, distinctive characteristics and obvious advantages in the humanities and social sciences. We should further strengthen the docking with Shenzhen Research Institute, so as to provide a first-class example for the revitalization of Humanities and Social Sciences, the construction of "double first-class" universities, the cultural development of Shenzhen, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay district and the socialism with Chinese characteristics in Shenzhen We should make new and greater contributions to the construction of model areas.