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Liu Fuchun: Poetic sail for beauty

 2021-05-04 21:31

"Shifan" should be the earliest poetry magazine founded in Nanjing. The publication was founded on September 1, 1934, and published by the editor and publisher of Saturn pen association. The editor and publisher of Volume 3, issue I, was published by Wang Mingzhu. The publication was first a half monthly magazine, and it was changed from Volume 2 to monthly one. Six issues per volume. 32 open, Volume 1, 12 pages per issue, with an increase in the number of pages since the second volume. The issue of Volume 2, No. 5-6 of Shifan, June 25, 1935, was closed. On January 5, 1937, the poem sail was published again, and the opening was changed to 25. May 5, 1937 to the end of Volume 3, issue 5.

《 Shifan is a publication of Saturn pen association. Its members include wangmingzhu, chengqianfan, sun Wang, changrenxia, tenggang, Zhang Tiezhao and Aike. Since volume 3, issue 2, Shen Zuqian, wife of chengqianfan, Jiangyan, joined the book. Since volume 2, No. 2, the publication has added the column of "recommendation of foreign manuscripts", which includes poems of Yiping and tangshaohua; The first column of Volume 3 was changed to "friends sent draft", and published works of Qi Yi, zouneiwen, libaifeng, houruhua, etc.

"I love new poetry," Sun said. I was still in Nanjing at that time. I had a Saturn Pen Club with some friends. In addition to the issue of a regular publication "Shifan", we have a meeting almost every few days. The so-called assembly, in fact, is only 56 people's affairs; Five six people gathered in a room, no form, unrestrained casual talk. A cup of tea, but also feel different flavor. Because of the moderate relationship between the places, we all regarded the apartment of Mingzhu as a fixed club. Among them, the most opportunities to meet, except for the owner Ming Zhu, it is my turn and tenggang, Renxia, Qianfan, send plum, Tiezhao and other friends. Here, we often exchange some opinions on new poetry, and discuss some issues about poetry writing, or report some news from each other about the publishing world of poetry. "“ Among friends, Mingzhu is the most calm and prudent person. He loves beauty, art, and poetry more. Besides, he has a hobby of searching for new literature books, especially for the poetry Department: whether it is a book or supplement in a newspaper, whether it is newly published or published in the early stage, or in the metropolitan areas or in the remote places neglected by ordinary people, even in the new poetry field in Japan, He managed to seek from all sides equally. We often laugh at his work of collecting new poetry as playing antique, which is a bit too much and a bit silly. On the other hand, however, it is his joy. "“ Because, our collection place, is four wall books, and is a variety of. And we also gave this small study a special name, called "poetry nest."(《 The selection of new Chinese poems before the war · postscript ", published by oasis press in October, 1994)

In March 1937, the first volume of the book man monthly journal, the third journal, published Qi Qian's introduction article "poem sail" monthly journal. Qi Yi published his works in the column of "friends sending manuscript" in Shifan, and as "friends", he naturally understood the situation of the publication. "The poem sail" is published by the editor of Saturn pen association. There are not many members of this group, only 78 people; And there are still people who don't ask, so in fact, only 34 people are responsible. "“ Economic sources are interesting. Every issue, members are paid (at least) five yuan. If someone fails to pay, they will not be investigated, and some people will not pay the next year to start the delivery. In short, they are in meaning, artistic thinking, not in terms of personnel. Every period of sales is good. At the same time, several especially enthusiastic people also automatically pay their own compensation, and their spirit of sacrifice for their career is admirable! In this way, the first phase of the out, although for a time because of too many people from Beijing and a little outside, still in the out. "“‘ "The poem sail" is the cheapest poetry magazine with beautiful form and low price, with six points per volume. "

The poems published in Shifan show that the publication advocates the characters, such as chengqianfan's "Galan Temple", Wang Mingzhu's self portrait, the sketch of Fengzi by changrenxia, sun Wang's taste of the spring, tenggang's "the pastoral song at the bottom of the city" and "the sick God of poetry" by podoler, and the song of innocence by weierlen. Qi Yi's article commented: "Nanjing literature and art circles compare Shanghai, Beiping and Tianjin to be far from each other. A dull weather! Nanjing produces not only a few works, but also limited periodical publications. "“ However, the poem sail, on this lonely poetic soil, opened a bright flower, which is small, but it is always stronger than no strength. She is very loving and has a unique style and sentiment. This is not only the luck of Nanjing poetry, but also the Chinese poetry circle. "“‘ "Shifan" in this poem garden in the period of great change and the most complex, with the style of grace forward. Their poems are: Rhetoric and emotion are both important, implicit and skill parallel. However, they are attached to emotion, rhetoric, implicature and skill, so it is very difficult for the so-called national defense poetics. "

On February 25, 1937, the 22nd Journal of the central daily contribution published Yang Qi's poem review sail, which said: "poem sail is a publication born in the night before the great turmoil in Chinese poetry and grows up in the middle of the great turmoil. What makes us unexpected is that its style is self-contained, that is, the attitude of the author of the poem sail is always wandering in the way of beauty. Its willingness and loneliness steadily in the situation of the various schools. The pace of its style is consistent, which clearly indicates that it is a collective of people. But they still try to build their own style. "“ If the sail is a doctrine of "Dianli", we should say it is better to reflect the life of the poet sailor

Besides the published poems, Volume 2, No. 1, the poem sail also published the special edition of the new poetry circle in the past 16 years, which was listed in the list of 243 poets, arranged by surname strokes; Volume 2, No. 51, published the catalogue of the book of songs, which contains nearly 200 poems of 128 poets. This should be related to what sun Wang said "there is also a hobby of searching new literature books". In addition, the first journal of Volume III of Shifan published a statement: "the society plans to publish a new poetry selection in 1937 from this year, striving to be detailed and without leaving jade. However, it is not easy to collect the materials of poetry due to the limitation of the region. I hope that the host of the National Journal of poetry and the author of poetry will not be obliged to give them a Book of poetry or a collection. As soon as the annual election is published, please send it to you in response to your elegance. " Unfortunately, the annual election failed to be published.

The poem sail is not very open and the number of pages is not much, but the layout and the decoration are very elegant. The cover is different in each issue, which reflects the pursuit of the editor's art. Permanent hero said: "in the spring of 1935, I went to Japan, bought a variety of new poetry magazines and poetry books from Japan, and bought the collection of paintings of jiangguhong ER and the collection of poems of the poesy lovers, which is used as reference and decoration for" poem sail ", and sent to Mingzhu, which filled his editing room with information and joy. At the end of 1936, I returned from Japan and brought back many artistic and archaeological books, including the book collection ticket of saitoyama, ten volumes of multi picture books, the 1000 night story and the fine printed book of songs of 1000 nights. In particular, I bought a Book of English rare book "Ten American girls of European opera" in the High Island House book exhibition, including the exquisite print illustrations, So far, I have a dream. I have enjoyed it with my friends like Mingzhu and tenggang. I am ready to add decoration to the poem sail, and make it into the international poetry world and get more people's appreciation. The content of beauty also needs to have beautiful appearance, and we should do our best to shine her out of the most beautiful appearance. "(《 Saturn Pen Club and poetry sail society, see new literature historical materials, 1993, issue 1)

Such a beautiful poetry journal, at that time, the response is not all positive praise. Qi Yi's article said: "they are attached to emotion, rhetoric, implicature and skill, so it is very difficult for the so-called national defense poetics." "In the collection of letters of permanent Xia published by elephant press in December 2008, the permanent man sent a letter to shenzuzhen Qianfan on May 28, 1944." Chongqing is quite a bit of a fool. Zi scolds his fellow people in Shifan, while Bai Feng calls him, and his brother has gone to believe in the letter. Recently, I wrote a article for the May 4th special series of Chinese Soviet culture, commenting on the past achievements of new poetry. It is specially named "poem sail", which means that on the new moon and the modern times, it is unique to mark the classical style. For the new moon and the modern, they are all short, and they are not mentioned in a word in the flow of slogans. Do you think you want to? " "Three volumes and four issues of the Chinese Soviet culture" were published in a younger brother's essay, which was written to sun Wangxin on June 19, 1944, to cheer up the poem sail. Did you see it? Brother has only one volume, and can not send it to Mingzhu. Brother can buy and send it. " The article of the permanent Xia is entitled "May 4th Movement and the development of Chinese New Poetry", published in the third issue of Volume VI of the semi monthly issue of Chinese Soviet Culture on May 5, 1944. The article said: "in the past New Poetry journals, the most lasting and the most remarkable achievements should be pushed" poem sail "and" new poetry monthly journal "《 Shifan, published in Nanjing, has three volumes. It is not popular in the general society because it is not popular and only sent to the larger libraries abroad and home. This is a magazine of the same people, which is a collection of people who advocate the same people, who contribute to issue the magazine, and take Wang Mingzhu sun Wang as the representative. They neither like the rhythm of Crescent School, nor the trivial image of modernist, mark neoclassicism, strive for the progress of poetry, and describe the reality, anatomy of dark side, city and countryside. They drew on the wonderful poetry of a special French and Soviet Union, both at home and abroad, to inject them into the new babies of Chinese new poetry, and with a serious attitude, they intended to promote the status of Chinese New Poetry in the world poetry world, and correct the shallow evil habits of slogans. They have made great efforts to create and translate them into the collection of famous writers from France and the Soviet Union. In the eastern countries, they translated two volumes of alaber poems, and also translated the poems of Korea and Japan in fragmentary, and tried to make them beautiful and flawless in quality. It is also hard to be sophisticated in printing. "

After the suspension of the book of songs, Saturn pen association and others planned to resume the publication in Changsha. The permanent Xia told sun Wangxin on May 15, 1938: "the proposal of the resurrection of Shifan is very agreed by my brother. He will print and print in Changsha in the future, which is very good. He was not willing to discuss more about the poems. He was good at poetry cultivation and did not cooperate with a group of people like Mu Tian. He praised the beauty of poem sail. He asked his brother for several. Although he had only two copies, he had given one. Nowadays, there are so many ugliness in the literary world that we can learn its value as we have been hard and serious in the past On June 2, Sun said: "if you revive the poem sail, you should write one by one. Younger brother to United comrade, only to individual, not to group, the number of people is better at 15, many hate. Li Baifeng and others were old comrades, and they offered a good invitation. " However, the result of the effort was to establish another poetry journal, "Chinese poetry".

《 Chinese poetry was founded in Changsha on August 10, 1938, and edited by China Poetry Society. The main editor should be sun Wang. The permanent man told sun Wangxin on July 4, 1938: "the establishment of China Poetry and art society is very happy. It is not a problem to join in. However, I am very busy recently. I am not enough for ten hours a day. I work at night and work late ten hours later. The spirit of poetry is almost no longer attached. There will be poems in the future. Please forgive me now. " "Two volumes of Chinese poetry" were received, and the contents and printing were lovely. In the Anti Japanese War, printing was difficult, so good and difficult to achieve. "

Why the issue of "poem sail" is not completed, there is no information to inquire about. As for how to establish the Chinese poetry art, the book of poet scholar sun Wang published by xuzubai and sunyuanjing published in October 2011 of Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore said: "in April 1938, sun Wang wrote to Mr. leishiyu, editor of the Chinese poetry circle, to discuss the issue of" popularization of poetry ", His letter was published in Volume II, issue 4, of the Chinese poetry. Lei Shiyu also replied: "brother sun Wang: Dashi has read it, and he feels very much. Brother, he said, has great research value. "‘ We would like to have close contact with the poets in the north. Please give us more help later. " He also suggested that sun Wang and others "jointly run a poetry journal in Changsha, and, if possible, organize a branch of the" China Poetry Society "“ According to leishiyu's suggestion, sun Wang and others, at a meeting in June, discussed the establishment of "China Poetry Society", and decided to issue a single line edition of Chinese poetry. In August, the first volume, the first issue of Chinese poetry, was published《 The author of the first volume of Chinese poetry art is mainly the same person and related friends of Shifan, including wangmingzhu, sun Wang, chengqianfan, Jiangyan, linyongquan, libaifeng, lvlianggeng, gebaievening, etc.

I found the original issue of Shifan in Shanghai Library in 1992, and volume 1-2 is a combined hardcover《 The first journal of Volume III of Shifan is as follows: "the first two volumes of poem sail are selected, and now, a number of copies are selected, which are in combination with volumes, and dobu is in writing." The quantity is not much. Brother Zhang Wei wants to ask Mr. permanent Xia to book this beautiful joint book and ask me to bring the publication back to Beijing. Therefore, the precious publication has added the following precious words:

Sails are our Saturn pen association's fellow magazine. Only six people, meeting every Saturday to discuss the manuscript, so Saturn, is opposite to Beijing's mercury. I started with Wang Mingzhu, and the printing fee was borne by both of us. Later, there were thousands of sails and sun Wang, who were young people. Today, only Qianfan and I exist, and there is still a Lin Yongquan in Shanghai. It is our common hobby to seek beauty for the publication! Permanent Xia of the eighty-nine old people, August 14th, 1992