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Yuan Jixi: life has its limits, but wisdom is the only way

 2021-05-04 21:23

Received the huangbaozhen collection sent by Professor zhouquangen of Hainan Normal University, read the familiar articles, and then ran out in a flash after years of silence. Those articles bear the wind and rain of the years, engraved with Mr. Huang's personality spirit, and it is hard to forget. As the "Wen Xin Diaolong" in the aria: "years flutter, spirit does not live, the voice is flying, production is just."

Many articles in this book are the Enlightenment era of the Chinese nation which began in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is the time for our nation to re open up the people's wisdom and move towards modern civilization. As a 78-level undergraduate after the resumption of Chinese Department of Renmin University of China, I entered the best time of my life and began to study in a hungry and eager way. In the second semester of my sophomore year, I took a course "history of Chinese literary criticism". At that time, we used oil printing materials. Before each class, we sent them to everyone's desk. I remember that the textbooks with ink flavor were made of different handwriting fonts. Cai Zhongxiang first gave us the pre Qin literary theory, which included Kongmeng, Laozhuang, and the Chinese literature "Preface of Mao poetry", "music of Rites" is a humorous and interesting story; The literary theories of Tang and Song Dynasties, which Mr. Cheng Fuwang gave us, were wonderful and abnormal, and they often had emotions in the teaching, and the last teacher was huangbaozhen to teach Wang Guowei's words of words in the world. When Mr. Huang Baozhen appeared in front of his classmates on the first day of that day, he was smiling and made a statement. He was very comfortable with the works involved in WangGuowei's "human CI Hua", and his comparison with western literary theory was clear in heart and integrated into the Chinese and Western countries. After class, the students talked and praised them, deeply fell into the talent of teacher Huang.

With the deepening of contact with Mr. Huang, I also know about the education background and origin of Mr. Huang. He knew that he was a student in Chinese Department of Fudan University when he was a bachelor. He was a professional student with Mr. Guo Shaoyu who specializes in the history of Chinese literary criticism. Although he has been trained in traditional academic, he has a deep knowledge of philology. The study of the history of Chinese literary criticism, which Mr. Guo Shaoyu engaged in, came from the traditional system of poetry and literature evaluation. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, he was bound by the ideology at that time. His understanding of the history of Chinese literary criticism was often influenced by this aspect. As his disciple Huang Baozhen commented, "Six Arts in the heart, authentic poetry and prose". Mr. Huang Baozhen's own study of ancient Chinese literary theory in the 1980s is refreshing. He and Cai Zhongxiang and Cheng Fuwang are good at the theory of ancient Chinese literature, and are good at combining the sub history of four parts with the evaluation of poetry and literature in the collection, and good at analyzing and researching from the perspective of the integration of philosophy history, ideological history and literary theory history. I listened to the discussions of these teachers on ancient Chinese literary theory, which was very enlightening. They held such views and perspectives in the written talks organized by the editorial department of the literary heritage at that time and at other symposiums, which had a great impact on the literary circle at that time. In the preface to huangbaozhen, Mr. Cheng Fuwang talked about the literary criticism theories of Wang Fuzhi, guyanwu and Huangzongxi, the three thinkers in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Instead of taking some literary discourse from the perspective of division of subjects, he took some literary discourse to write, but read their whole ideological system, It is refreshing to write their literary thoughts from the perspective of the integration of the subset of the classics and history. He also carried out the study method for the literature criticism theories such as Zhang Taiyan and WangGuowei. Professor chengfuwang commented on Mr. Huang Baozhen's academic method, and exclaimed: "is this not right? No, will it? Can't anything written like this be reliable? " Cheng teacher such evaluation of the academic characteristics of Mr. Huang "forest deep water Mao", and can afford these four words to talk easily, is a long-term dedication to academic, the result of thin accumulation. It is also the "source of the mission and the source of the wind, the vibration of leaves and the root seeking", which is also said by Liu Xie in the literary heart and carving the dragon. It is closely related to the academic concept established by Aristotle in ancient Greece and the exploration of Chinese tradition. Those who often study Chinese literature theory with professionalism and literariness deny the academic characteristics of Chinese literary theory research, which is like sitting in the well and observing the sky.

The history of China's literary theory, compiled by Mr. Huang and Cai Zhongxiang, Cheng Fu Wang, is following the academic concept, bathing China's times and trying hard to open up a new world of Chinese literary criticism. When they undertake the writing of each chapter and the sub compilation, they cooperate with each other, and form this innovative history of Chinese literary theory criticism, and create a generation of style, which has a great influence in the academic circle. Our undergraduate students of Grade 8 and 8, and later graduate students in this course, are deeply affected by this book. It is recalled that when Mr. Huang taught the twenty-four poems by Sikong Tu, he used the Taoist old village and Wang Bi thought of metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties to analyze the structure and basic aesthetic concept of the book, which separated from the way of using the twenty-four poems as the style type and stylistic theory in the past, which benefits people's mind. Later. Huang integrated his course content into the section of "Sikong Tu's poetry philosophy" in Chapter 3 of the third part of the history of Chinese literature theory. The content is to analyze the twenty-four poems from philosophy, which was not developed at that time. This section is also one of the most brilliant chapters in the history of Chinese literature theory. This idea of learning has been widely accepted by Mr. Huang. After he was transferred to Hainan Normal University in 1993, he wrote the theory of Nourishing Qi in ancient Chinese literature theory and other papers, which also showed this feature. In the unfinished manuscript of the twenty-four poems, which was written in the late years, such research methods were also used. Huang believes that although there has been a controversy over who the author of the twenty-four poems is in recent years, it should be followed by the old saying before it is confirmed, and it can not be concluded easily. He has a lot of ideas in this manuscript, which integrates the old and new methods of learning as one. When he explained "using foreign Fu and filling the real body", Mr. Huang introduced the category of metaphysics of Laozhuang and Wang Bi to explain it. The materials were rich and the judgment was strong. The research methods of his early study on Sikongtu's poetry philosophy were both continuous and promoted.

The development of Humanities in the 1980s is inseparable from breaking the rigidity and creating the recklessness. It is often related to the application of realism in the field of Chinese ancient literary criticism history, and whether materialist idealism is suitable for the evaluation of characters and works in ancient literary theory. Influenced by the rigid dogmatism of the former Soviet Union, the research process of ancient Chinese literary theory was that there were phenomena of wearing hats, wearing shoes and cutting foot. These ridiculous views seemed to be very ridiculous today. At that time, they were popular. I just came into contact with many of the works when I went to college. Many of these things were just published by my teachers in their papers, These concepts also emerge from time to time. Because in that particular era, the so-called ice cream was not solved, and the willow would not be comfortable. But the very obvious fact is that if these concepts were not cleared up, the research on ancient Chinese literary theory could not be breakthrough. Fortunately, Mr. Huang did not avoid these sensitive issues at that time, and boldly discussed them and made his own discussion on these problems. One and two of the two "questioning the realism in the study of Chinese ancient literature theory" in the collection reflect such exploration spirit. I have compiled the collection of the "endless ancient literary theory" by caizhongxiang, a professional, and found that the first few articles also discussed the realism in ancient literary theory. It is from here that the emancipation of the mind and the breaking of shackles in the field of Humanities and academic in the 1980s began. It is helpful for us to re-examine what the ancient Chinese literary theory and aesthetic spirit are today by rereading the articles in the collection of teacher Huang.

In 1985, Mr. Huang and CAI and Cheng completed the history of Chinese literature theory, as the book notes: "they are active in thought, rigorous in study and modest in attitude. They sincerely respect their predecessors, their peers and their similar works. But in order to open up a new situation of the study of the history of Chinese literary theory, they also do not obscure their own views. This attitude is responsible and conforms to the academic policy of various schools of thought and work that helps to serve the past and the present. " After the publication of this innovative history of Chinese literature theory, it was praised by the academic circles immediately. It injected new vitality into the study of the history of Chinese literary theory at that time, and won the first prize of Humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of education. Later, they took advantage of the heat to strike the iron, on this basis, they formulated a new project plan. CAI and Professor Chen Liangyun of Jiangxi Normal University cooperated with BaiHuaZhou publishing house to start the preparation and preparation of the series of Chinese aesthetics categories. At that time, I also participated in the work, and wrote two books, he: the dimension of aesthetic ideal and the activation of artistic life. Mr. Cheng Fuwang organized the compilation of the Chinese aesthetic dictionary. After several years of achievements, the two projects have achieved the world recognized achievements, and have united a large number of young and middle-aged scholars who had made great achievements in ancient Chinese literary theory and aesthetics. Many scholars are familiar with the work. Huang is responsible for the compilation of the key meaning of Chinese literature, which aims to develop the meaning of Chinese literary theory and aesthetics. These three works cooperate with each other and advance together, which has a great influence on the deep exploration and research of ancient Chinese literary theory and aesthetics.

In my impression, teachers Huang and CAI, the former scholars, embody the personality spirit of Confucius as "ancient scholars are self-evident, and scholars are now human". They have no title of showing off before their lives. Their research and writing are based on their academic feelings and pursuit of a kind of life fun and realm. After Cai retired, he devoted all his energy to the compilation of the series of Chinese aesthetics. But the writing of Mr. Huang is also based on his academic opinions, not pursuing fame and external things. Their academic spirit has always inspired me as a student to be lazy.

It is difficult to predict that the whole China's market economy was just beginning, social development was in extreme imbalance, and the social phenomenon of brain body hanging back was serious. The income of teachers in Colleges and universities is generally in poverty, and the lack of housing welfare leads to the loss of teachers in Colleges and universities. It is recalled that when the Beijing Youth Daily interviewed the people's Congress, Cai pointed out that there was a new three light policy of "old age retreat, middle age death, youth walking". "The worry of researchers about firewood, the serious loss of publishing house, and the weariness of young people make the hunger of research become the research of hunger, which is more realistic, deterrent and dangerous than the challenges faced by traditional literary theory." For some reasons, Mr. Huang chose to teach at Hainan Normal University. I worked in the aesthetic teaching and Research Office of the Department of philosophy of the people's Congress at that time. Before Mr. Huang went to Hainan, I often went to visit and chat with him. Mr. Huang is full of yearning and expectation for Hainan. He repeatedly tells that going to Hainan is not entirely economic, but interested in the environment and climate there. In 1993, Huang officially taught in the Chinese Department of Hainan Normal University. Since then, he began his new life and teaching career in the end of the world, and was in Hainan Normal University until he died.

In 1996, I went to Hainan Normal University for the first time to attend the aesthetic seminar hosted by Professor yangchunshi. He went to the home of teacher Huang in Hainan Normal University. He met his teacher and mother for three years. He was happy to see the teacher apart. He was very emotional and used to his work and life here. Mr. Huang is a person who is in peace with others. He has no much requirements for life. After arriving in Hainan, he seldom goes out, usually in Haikou, busy with class and guiding students. He said the students here are honest and simple, and he likes to teach students here. After he arrived at Hainan Normal University, he wrote less articles than in the people's Congress, but he still published many insightful papers. Many papers collected in the collection, such as the historical characteristics of ancient Chinese culture and my opinion on the historical stages of Chinese culture development, were written in the teaching of Hainan Normal University. It has reached the old age.

Mr. Huang is good at communicating with students, meticulous in teaching, and students love to listen to his lessons. I have listened to his lessons since I went to college. Every time I read it, I can imagine that his students listened to their attention and input when they were lecturing at Hainan Normal University. The students of Hainan Normal University are lucky to have such a good teacher. He also devotes all his heart and effort to the students. In April this year, when I sent the news of the book of teacher Huang to the circle of friends, Professor Yang Chunshi immediately forwarded the news in the circle of friends, and wrote down a paragraph of the text affectionately, recalling their unforgettable experience when they worked together in Hainan Normal University. They were the leaders of literature and art and ancient Chinese literature of Hainan Normal University, and made great contributions to the Hainan Normal University at that time. Later, Professor yangchunshi went to Xiamen University, while Mr. Huang stayed at Hainan Normal University until he retired.

The last time I met Mr. Huang, I went to Hainan for business in March 2010. At that time, my doctoral student zhouquangen had been working in the Chinese Department of Hainan Normal University for several years. Because Mr. Huang and Mr. Huang came from the people's Congress, they got along well. That day, Professor Quan Gen and Professor Shan Zhengping wanted to invite me to dinner. I invited Mr. Huang, and insisted on me to do the same, because it was to invite the teacher to eat. Remember that it was an Anhui restaurant in Haikou. It was raining. We met in restaurants and had a good time talking. Naturally, we felt a lot of emotion. Compared with the previous time, Mr. Huang seems to be older, but he is very interested. He has retired and his mother has returned to Beijing. He likes the environment and climate in Hainan, and does not want to return to Beijing. I also understand the idea of Mr. Huang. After the dinner, Mr. Shan Zhengping drove Mr. Huang to the apartment in the campus of Hainan Normal University. After leaving the lane, he saw him walking away, feeling very sad. Quan Gen comforts me. Mr. Huang has been giving classes to students. He is popular with students. He regards them as their children. Because of their poor legs and feet, students all attend his apartment. His living room often spread out the ancient language chanting, teaching, laughter, become Hainan Normal University String song, poetry elegant a beautiful scenery. Huang has been the director of the National School of Hainan Normal University. He has practiced the spirit of poetry and books of Chinese learning with his own teaching and personality. He is called qingqingzijin, leisurely my heart.

In 2015, Mr. Huang came to Beijing for medical treatment due to illness. When he was in danger, his undergraduate student at Hainan Normal University and later became my master student, Lidongmei (who was already professor of Hainan Tropical Ocean College), came to Beijing to visit him. By the way, he came to visit me. During that time, he was very sorry about his illness. Now professor zhouquangen and students have been working on it for several years, and finally published the huangbaozhen collection. Although it is not a huge system. But as Liu Xie laments in the book "Wen Xin Diaolong Xu Zhi", there is also a limit to life, but wisdom without limit. It is hard to get things by object, and it is easy to be good by nature. " Books are the symbol of personality and emotion after reading. So in the apartment in Beijing and south of Beijing, which is in severe epidemic, these rambling words are regarded as the mourning for teacher Huang.

June 30, 2020

(author is Professor of the State College of Renmin University of China)