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The Other Side of the Coin—Response to the Comments

 2021-05-04 20:48

If we say that like a coin, the Confucian account of human dignity has two sides,Cline’s comments help me to articulate the side that I mentioned but did not fully address in my previous paper, and Schilling’s comments reveal the need for me to reiterate some key points of the side that my previous paper presented but apparently fell short of being adequate. For those who are preoccupied with the modern Western notion of human dignity, the Confucian account of human dignity may be taken as “the other side of the coin,” but for the Confucian account, the Western notion of Menschenwürde can become “the other side” that can help itself overcome its liability. While the title of this response paper is playing the ambiguity intentionally, I hope the central message is clear: we need to turn the coin around to see its entirety.

Source:PeKing University Insitute for Advanced Humanistic Studies